Tuesday, 31 March 2015
Chasing Trails (How I gave up stats and began to enjoy the ride).
Friday, 27 March 2015
Goodbye Stava, it's been nice.
As a teacher I have seen the increase in a data driven approach to education. That is target grades, current grades, league tables, value added, etc. etc.
None of which, in real terms, seems to be a benefit to the students in my class. I will admit there is a strong argument to make that culpability and progress of students and teachers has to be measured. In fact I will concede that I can't see another way of rewarding students for their work outside of exams and whatever way you judge teacher performance would have to be linked to something that could be implemented nationally. However the free spirit inside of me who values the development of students as people as opposed to exam robots will still rile against it.
However I am also a massive hypocrite.
You see I am (and have spoken about this before) a massive Strava addict. Which basically is all of the things above but related to sport - league tables, performance measurements, improvements based upon data - all of which grinds against the notion of doing things to enjoy it.
Actually we could also throw in some of the 'attempts' at creating a edits/videos as well. Although I am still taking the camera out this weekend - mostly to take photos!
However I have found that chasing segments, constantly looking at average speed, pursuing elevation gain has started to get in the way of my enjoyment of a ride. Especially when going off-road.
I am not a professional cyclist, I do not compete in races, I am not a member of a club. I literally ride because I enjoy it and like being outside.
So I have taken a decision to stop using Strava, to stop caring about how far, how fast, how much.
I have decided to reclaim the ride. To go and ride because the ride is fun and is a worthwhile pursuit on it's own. Yes I will still work out and try to improve core fitness - it makes sense for a holistic approach to fitness - however the emphasis will be more now on riding for riding's sake.
Well that's the idea. We will see how long it lasts for.
Tuesday, 24 March 2015
Evening rides and other commitments.
I will go back a second.
When I was committed more to riding than earning I would take a short, direct route to work and then ride home a longer more winding route. Often my route home would be roughly double the route in. This would give a nice ride to bookend my working day.
All done on skinny tires.
However lately I have been looking at maybe bringing the hardtail to work and then thrashing that back over the Kent Downs.
Or any off road I can find.
However the main issue with this idea is the fact that I have quite a lot of commitments after work on an evening - tutoring etc - plus the school calender throwing up late night finishes (parents evenings go on until 7).
I know that none of this will last and when the summer term rolls in the tutoring load gets lighter and the longer evenings will allow for more riding time.
I am so impatient to get going. I took the BMX out briefly on Saturday and then followed up with the hardtail for another hour.
None of which, I am honest has fully satisfied me for the week ahead.
Maybe the answer is to ride much more at the weekend? Or to be more gnar? Or maybe to try somehow and squeeze extra rides in where I can.
I don't know, but I guess now it is getting brighter this is the time to try and find a solution.
Some how...
Sunday, 22 March 2015
Taking a BMX off road.
Tuesday, 17 March 2015
So this happened...
Having spoken to some people on a mountain bike forum about the bikes that we all wish we still had I decided my BMX was the bike I missed the most.
A quick scout in gumtree saw one locally for sale cheaply. So I plumped for it.
Turns out it was an ex students bike his parents were making him sell.
So I now own a BMX.
Work till you're dead, the morning commute.

Hope I don't break another one!
Which is the point, really. I sat in the car from 7:15 - 7:50 to do a 20 minute commute this morning (normal commuting time and in traffic), actually the commute takes 20-25 minutes by bike depending on how 'fresh' I feel. Before anyone asks I can't commute by bike (road) at the moment due to tutoring commitments after school. However as I sat in mental traffic I wish I was on the bike again.
I do enjoy my job, but I can't see myself still in a classroom at 70.
Would you want a 70 year old teaching your children science?
Didn't think so.
All makes everything as bit of a damp squib to be honest, which is exactly reflected in the weather.
Still being out on the trails would be awesome.
Just to finish, a blast on the exercise bike does not count!
Saturday, 14 March 2015
Missing the trails.
As I sit in a coffee shop having a healthy brunch before heading home to finish marking coursework I can't help but be jealous of Geoff.
He is off to Swinley forest this morning for a blast around the awesome trails there.
I am stuck ordering parts and waiting on delivery before attempting to fix my stricken bike.
I thought road biking would fix the need to be on two wheels. I thought that throwing myself back into the world of skinny tyres and Lycra would satisfy me.
I was wrong.
As I sit in jeans, converse and lumberjack shirt with my non-ironic beard and thick rimmed glasses (had both before hipsters) I feel every inch a frustrated XCer.
Which I guess is because I am. So much so that I was tempted to switch the wheels of the hardtail onto the spare road bike I have in the garden and have an old school blast around my local wood just to satisfy my needs.
Actually that doesn't sound too bad an idea...
In all seriousness though I do need to get this coursework marked today - attempts at being a professional teacher.
Maybe tomorrow though?
Wednesday, 4 March 2015
The use of a bike log and looking at data.
The idea is that you can map your rides and training and if you have a bad time in the saddle remind yourself of how much better you can ride and conversely if you have a ride that is an absolute worldy then you can quickly see how much you have progressed.
I have never really used one much to be honest apart from occasionally using Strava's training log to casually glimpse at how much I have or haven't improved or gone faster/slower etc.
Having one of those days where I am sat at a screen for a while I thought I would make a little .xl spreadsheet to see how my performance has improved in the past year of cycling on the road (I am ignoring mountain biking as there are too many variations with speed and distance besides mountain biking is about more than going longer and faster - IMO).
I kind of wish I hadn't done this though as the results are a little depressing.
Tuesday, 3 March 2015
Spring is in the air and training is shaping up for the road ahead.
Anyway with spring just around the corner I figured it was about time to write up some of what I have been up to during the long dark winter months. Mostly as an aide memoir for my training but also just to share what I have been doing.
Firstly I have been out riding my mountain bike a lot. Mostly because of the reason below:
Mostly though because I got a GoPro for Christmas. Naturally this has been taken out everywhere and lots of videos and photos have been taken with it.